Feel the Magic of aligning your life with the Rhythm of the Seasons

Feel the Magic of aligning your life with the Rhythm of the Seasons

Hello + Welcome
My name is Sarah Jenkinson

And I believe that life is more than just a series of days strung together.

That’s why I teach women like you how to work with universal cycles, seasonal archetypes, and folklore to bridge that gap between the rational and the magical.

No more hiding. No more squashing down all the feelings that bubble up inside of you.

It’s time to tune into your true purpose, create deep meaning, and finally start living your intentionally aligned life . . . one season at a time.

Sarah Jenkinson

What’s a Seasonal Archetype?
“Seasonal Archetypes,” are the name I’ve given to the emotions, behaviours, folklore, traditions, myths and symbols that collectively exemplify a particular point in the year.
There are 12 unique Seasonal Archetypes, and taken together they create a holistic framework for living an intentional and deeply nourishing life, based on the universal cycle of the 4 seasons.

Recently on the Blog

From Duality to Oneness: The Sacred Mystery of Yuletide

When we honoured the passing of the year into death at Halloween we began to leave the world of duality behind. And so now, as we approach the winter solstice, we are standing opposite the summer’s peak duality, completing that cycle by moving towards the point in the year when duality ceases to exist.

How to Rekindle Your Belief in Authentic Magic Again

For the last 300+ years – ever since the Enlightenment – the ideal of rationality has dominated the Western world. So much so that to claim you believe in magic today is our modern-day version of blasphemy. Which makes it all the more ironic that it’s actually at the frontiers of science that we find the first stepping stones we can use to bridge that gap between the rational and the magical.

The Forgotten Holiday We Need to Make Famous Again

Our modern world has no counterpart for the once-important festival of Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh or First Harvest. Why is that?

Community members share their experience…

This was even more valuable – and practical – than I’d imagined.

I recommend this workshop to everyone. We all have such “busy” lives. The insights and clarity I received in your workshop have helped me with that out-of-control feeling.

Everyone I know wants the same thing: to feel like they’re living in the moment, celebrating their accomplishments, and resting when they need to rest. This course teaches you how to make it happen, how to find a natural structure in an easy and reasonable way.

Sarah Selecky

Author + Teacher, Story Is a State of Mind School

I’m about 15 minutes into the free 30-minute workshop class and just completed the first worksheet.


I am leaving my worksheet right now, and my computer, and although it’s after 9PM, I’m going outside to walk along the river near my place.

Thank you from my deepest heart for this mini-workshop. What you’ve put together here is beautiful and necessary.

Sheryl Gervais

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Seasonal Archetype Report

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Seasonal Archetype Report

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